5 Reasons...
When is the last time you had Family pictures done? Last year? Five years ago? Why? I am going to give you the top 5 reasons I have heard from families on why they have not had family photos taken, 1. Appearance. More specifically, weight. I completely understand! I have been the exact same way. I have found when looking back at old photos of my children, I was in none of them. I also found out that the only one who cared was ME. Take the picture. Save it for your kids. 2. Time. If not now, when? Myself and many other photographers will work around almost any schedule. Being flexible is part of the job and I will try my hardest to be as flexible as I can be. Make the time. Reality is that most sessions are no more than 30-45 minutes. Make the time. 3. Fear or Stress. Kids not cooperating or looking at the camera. You have parents yelling between their teeth to stand still and say cheese just trying to get that perfect family picture. Guess what? Pictures are not always perfect and neither are families! When you find a photographer that feels like a good fit, you will have a less stressful session. Work with a photographer that puts you at ease. My sessions go from posed to candid real quick with young kids, I want to capture your families personalities. I want to see your family dynamic. I want to see the giggles and hugs and the playfulness. 4. Privacy. Many families nowadays prefer to keep their children off the internet. NO PROBLEM! It's really easy to just ask that nothing be shared. Speak up. Ask that your photographer put in the contract that no photos will be shared online. There may be a fee but it is something that any photographer should do. 5. Cost. Oh, the expense can be daunting. There is a lot that goes into professional photography. You don't just pick up a camera, hit a button, and BAM you have a picture. Equipment, props, software, licensure, insurance and much more goes into a lot of what we do. Plus, the hours and hours of editing. I will just say we don't just pull random numbers and say " yep, I think I will charge this amount today". I also understand that most families do not have thousands of dollars to spend on photo sessions. Many photographers have different packages at different price points. Some photographers even accept payment plans. I happen to be one of those. I even accept AfterPay. I will caution you to not try to barter with your photographer. Prices are set for a reason. I will work with you but I will not lower my prices.
Family photos are more than just images; they are windows to our hearts and the story of our lives. They hold the power to freeze time and preserve the moments that define our family bonds. In a single snapshot, a family photo encapsulates a lifetime of love, laughter, and shared experiences.
Well? What are you wait for?
What are you waiting for?
You've read the 5 reasons. Why haven't you booked your session yet? If not now, when? Have questions? This is the time to ask!!! I am waiting.....